Successful firmware development requires a deep understanding of the hardware and the underlying system architecture (ARM, x86, x64) as well as expert knowledge of programming languages (C/C++, Rust) and development tools. We develop complex algorithms and functions and ensure the integrity, reliability and optimal performance of the system.

Embedded Linux is used as an open source operating system for complex electronics and hardware - we customise it to your specific needs. In our projects, we work with strong expertise in the areas of driver development and system optimisation in order to provide you with customised solutions and achieve the highest performance and reliability for your system. We use tools such as Buildroot or Yocto Linux.

When software is required to complete tasks in a guaranteed time, this is referred to as real-time applications. Such applications require a deep understanding of suitable architectures, operating systems (RTOS) and special programming methods.

With our experience in the field of IoT (Internet of Things), we connect your products and bring them into the cloud - from low-energy applications with Bluetooth LE, Matter or Thread to edge AI applications with the latest Wi-Fi and mobile phone standards. We bring our expertise in embedded software, security, network technologies, cloud architecture and data analysis to your product and make it fit for the future.

Graphical user interfaces (GUI) are also used to operate devices with embedded software. We design GUIs that optimally support the user and work on your hardware, for example for displays with and without touch functionality. We use frameworks such as QT and TouchGFX, among others.

  • Christoph Friedrich
  • Business Manager
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Peter Riedemann
  • Business Manager
  • AgriTech
  • Matthes Hoof
  • Business Manager
  • Industry
  • Konrad Fenderich
  • Business Manager
  • HealthTech