Especially where processes are time-critical and perhaps even vital, software should behave empathetically, be efficient and intuitive to use.

In our initial analyses (discovery phase), we build up an understanding of the overall context from the perspective of the users, our clients and from a technological point of view. The aim is to formulate the problem to be solved as clearly as possible in the space between technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness and value.

In accordance with standards such as the human-centered design process (HCD), ISO 9241 and especially the EU standard IEC 62366 for medical devices, our teams develop user-centered concepts along a defined user journey. We test solution variants as early as possible using wireframes and visual prototypes. Before a single line of code is written, we design intuitive interfaces and the desired positive user experience with early formative evaluations.

Data protection breaches should not be possible in the first place, and security risks should be minimized from the outset. We therefore develop according to the Secure Software Development Lifecycle and consider data protection and security from the very beginning of the design and architecture. All project participants contribute to these aspects on a daily basis and take them into account not just at the end of development, but at every stage of implementation. Our data protection concept begins even before the first data is entered.

In the modern healthcare world, departmental boundaries should not be perceptible to patients and should not be a barrier for healthcare professionals and practitioners. Telemedicine, electronic patient records (ePA), e-prescriptions and (concomitant) therapy through DiGAs (digital health applications) point the way to a world in which data ensures transparency and technology promotes communication.

  • Konrad Fenderich
  • Business Manager
  • HealthTech
  • Hülya Mese-Wichmann
  • Business & Legal Manager
  • HealthTech