A new product will only be a success if it addresses the needs and wishes of its users. As part of our UX analysis workshops, we look at the holistic space surrounding the project. The status quo of the product becomes the focussed object of investigation, which is deliberately put to the test in order to develop the best possible product. Targeted design thinking methods can be used to analyse, sharpen and prioritise highly individual topics and issues.
Once the needs and challenges are known, another key question arises: what innovative ideas can be used to inspire users? This is where a creative ideation workshop comes in. Through creative ideation methods, visualisations, exemplary prototyping or storytelling, these initial ideas mature further into tangible, descriptive solutions. The result is a common target image.
A design sprint enables an interdisciplinary team to develop rapid solutions within 5 days, from a problem definition to a tested prototype, and to incorporate direct feedback from the user group so that these solutions can be validated.
If an idea or vision exists, clear priorities, specification of sub-goals and a change of perspective towards the end user help product managers and development teams to agree on a clear goal. A graphical representation of the solution improves work on the product: user stories are told, implementation details are visualised and an initial backlog is worked out. The ideal basis for a suitable release strategy!
Event Storming: Big Picture brings together your company's domain expertise and generates a common and uniform understanding of the problems, issues, opportunities and risks that arise within the processes to be transformed.